Hazardous Seas Alert Discontinued, Strong Winds Return This Week

The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service has discontinued the Hazardous Seas Alert for the country on Saturday at 3:53 PM.

Over the last week, northeasterly to northerly long-period swells have predominantly affected T&T’s northern coastlines. While the peak of this swell event has passed, occasional high-energy and large swells are expected to continue through the week, combined with strong low-level winds.

Hazardous Seas Alert information from the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service
Hazardous Seas Alert information from the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service

According to the Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service, “The risk posed by impactful northerly long period swells has diminished and sea conditions around Trinidad and Tobago have been improving. Waves are currently 1.5m – 2.0m in open waters and less than 1.0m in sheltered areas.”

The alert’s color indicates the event’s severity and probability of occurring. The alert level is Green, as the discontinuation was issued, and certainty is very likely/observed and consistent with a discontinuation.

According to the TTMS, public safety, livelihoods, and property are at low risk at this level.

The Met Office advises that all marine interests should continue to monitor sea conditions when engaging in sea-related activities.

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Image Credit: Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service

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